Wednesday, November 26, 2008


DOW UP FOUR DAYS IN A ROW - IS THIS THE START OF A TURNAROUND? - 27/11/2008 - What a difference four days can make. Since Obama announced his team of economic advisors and administrators, and with the Citigroup bailout, the market has responded positively. Such is the perceived quality of the team that Obama has put in place. Unlike Paulson who has yoyo'd on key measures to the point that the market had all but lost faith in the Bush administrations ability to control the future of the US economy, the market can now see that a team with the right experience and skills has been assembled by Obama, and that team will take over the economy in January 2009. As long as the now discredited Bush team don't fumble too much between now and 20th January next year, things may just hold up ok.

We now need a reasonable Christmas sales period in the US especially for this Friday (called Black Friday because that is the day when most stores actually start making a profit and move from the red into the black). That will set the trend for the next 12 months, and will either signal a prolonged deep recession, or if sales are seen as good in this climate, then the stock market will move higher. You may ask what does this mean to an average Aussie paying off a home and working 40 hours a week. Well the stock market predicts the future, and will rise or fall on what is about to happen. So even if things are a bit tough on the ground, if the market is rising then better times are ahead. Conversely if the market is falling as it has for the last 14 months, then bad times are ahead. Our stock market runs parallel to Wall Street because we are just a minnow in the real world, and whatever happens in the US will happen to our market as well. Interest rates are predicted to decrease again in December, perhaps by 1% again, and further decreases will probably happen next year after January.
This will be a good time to either re-visit your home loan to see if a better deal can be arranged, and/or aggressively look to see what bargains are out there in both real estate and shares.

Those with courage and intelligence will make money in these situations.

If you would like advice on a refinance of your home loan visit You may be able to save a huge amount on your monthly repayments by an intelligent re-finance.